Notice of the midterm assessment of the 2017 doctor students |
作者: 来源: 发布时间:2018年10月25日 10:16 浏览次数: |
2017级博士研究生中期考核的通知 Notice of the midterm assessment of the 2017 doctor students
一、中期筛选内容 Medium-term assessment Content 中期筛选由开题、原始资料审查、学科综合知识考试组成。 Medium-term assessment is composed of opening report(PowerPoint Presentation), original data review, professional comprehensive examination。 二、时间安排 Time Arrangement (1)拟定于11月1日下午14:00-16:30进行学科综合知识考试。 (2)参加开题的学生需至少提前一天将实验记录本交考核委员会委员审核,并于开题前将签好字的《Appendix Form 3-35222葡京集团博士研究生中期考核原始资料审核表》交综合楼208,李莉(收)。 (2)开题汇报由各所组织,具体时间及地点请咨询自己导师。开题时学生需将填写好的《Appendix Form 1-开题报告》、《Appendix Form 2-中期登记表》带到开题现场交开题组审核。 (3)开题结束后,11月9日之前,硕士生须于在研究生管理系统中提交开题报告相关信息(培养管理2016-中期考核-提交开题报告),并将相关纸质材料交至综合楼208,李莉(收)。 (1) The examination for professional comprehensive examination is scheduled for 14:00-18:00 p.m. in November 1th. ,Room:9-103. (2)Please take original experiment data record and Appendix Form 3 to the expert of the assessment committee for examination in advace. And submit Appendix Form 3 to lily (zonghe building ,208) before opening report. (3) You must contact your professor to get More detail of opening report to avoid missing it. The students should take appendix form-1 、 appendix form-2(all information in the form should be finished) to the opening report scene for expert review。 (4)After the end of the opening report presentation, before November 9th ,the doctor should submit the relevant information on the postgraduate system (培养管理2016-中期考核-提交开题报告) and submit appendix form-1 、 appendix form-2 to lily (zonghe building,208)
35222葡京集团 2018.10.25
上一条:Regulations about international student dropping out of school |
下一条:2019年寒假牛津大学短期访学项目通知 |
Notice of the midterm assessment of the 2017 doctor students |
发布日期:2018-10-25 浏览次数: |
2017级博士研究生中期考核的通知 Notice of the midterm assessment of the 2017 doctor students
一、中期筛选内容 Medium-term assessment Content 中期筛选由开题、原始资料审查、学科综合知识考试组成。 Medium-term assessment is composed of opening report(PowerPoint Presentation), original data review, professional comprehensive examination。 二、时间安排 Time Arrangement (1)拟定于11月1日下午14:00-16:30进行学科综合知识考试。 (2)参加开题的学生需至少提前一天将实验记录本交考核委员会委员审核,并于开题前将签好字的《Appendix Form 3-35222葡京集团博士研究生中期考核原始资料审核表》交综合楼208,李莉(收)。 (2)开题汇报由各所组织,具体时间及地点请咨询自己导师。开题时学生需将填写好的《Appendix Form 1-开题报告》、《Appendix Form 2-中期登记表》带到开题现场交开题组审核。 (3)开题结束后,11月9日之前,硕士生须于在研究生管理系统中提交开题报告相关信息(培养管理2016-中期考核-提交开题报告),并将相关纸质材料交至综合楼208,李莉(收)。 (1) The examination for professional comprehensive examination is scheduled for 14:00-18:00 p.m. in November 1th. ,Room:9-103. (2)Please take original experiment data record and Appendix Form 3 to the expert of the assessment committee for examination in advace. And submit Appendix Form 3 to lily (zonghe building ,208) before opening report. (3) You must contact your professor to get More detail of opening report to avoid missing it. The students should take appendix form-1 、 appendix form-2(all information in the form should be finished) to the opening report scene for expert review。 (4)After the end of the opening report presentation, before November 9th ,the doctor should submit the relevant information on the postgraduate system (培养管理2016-中期考核-提交开题报告) and submit appendix form-1 、 appendix form-2 to lily (zonghe building,208)
35222葡京集团 2018.10.25
上一条:Regulations about international student dropping out of school |
下一条:2019年寒假牛津大学短期访学项目通知 |